Changes to NACCAS Standards, Rules and By-Laws Effective January 1, 2013
The National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences, Inc. (NACCAS) Board of Commissioners, in an on-going effort to inform its accredited institutions of changes made to NACCAS’ Standards and Criteria, Policies, Rules of Practice and Procedure, Appendices, Glossary and By-Laws, is providing the following links reflecting the changes that have been made to the NACCAS Standards and requirements that go into effect January 1, 2013.
- To view the amended language to the Standards and Criteria, click here
- To view the amended language to the Rules of Practice and Procedure, click here
- To view the amended language to the Policies, click here
- To view the amended language to the Appendicies to the Rules, click here
- To view the amended language to the Glossary, click here
- To view the amended language to the By-Laws, click here
- To view the complete Handbook in it's entirety effective January 1, 2013, click here