Webinar #1 - Annual Reporting 101, 2:30–3:30 PM

Dear School Owner:

Few processes within NACCAS’ scope are as vital as the student outcome rates contained in the annual report. Accordingly, it is critical that all institutions calculate their 2011 outcome rates accurately, in accordance with NACCAS’ 2011 Annual Report Instructions.

In order to assist our member institutions with their upcoming 2011 Annual Reports, NACCAS will be offering two live annual report webinars this October. These webinars are described in detail below:

Webinar #1 - Annual Reporting 101

  • Description: This class will provide participants with a basic overview of NACCAS’ annual report and outcome rate calculations. Recommended for individuals who are relatively new to or unfamiliar with NACCAS’ annual reporting process.  
  • Date: October 18, 2012
  • Time:  2:30 PM

Webinar #2 - Advanced Annual Reporting

  • Description: This class will dive deeper into NACCAS’ outcome rate calculations, focusing on often forgotten details and recent updates to the instructions. This class will also review several of the most common mistakes that schools make in calculating their outcome rates. Recommended for individuals who are generally familiar with NACCAS’ annual reporting process and outcome rate calculations.
  • Date: October 25, 2012
  • Time: 2:30 PM

To register for Webinar #1 (Annual Reporting 101), click here; to register for Webinar #2 (Advanced Annual Reporting), click here. You must register if you wish to attend!
For those unable to be present, we will post a recording of the webinars to our website following their completion. All webinars are free and open to any and all interested parties. (Note: if you are not attending as a representative of a school, simply answer “N/A” to the registration questions of “School Name” and “Reference Number”.)
If you have any questions regarding the webinar registration, please contact Alicia Williams at awilliams@naccas.org. If you have any questions regarding the content of the webinars, please contact Jason Tiezzi at jtiezzi@naccas.org. We hope to see you there!