Recorded Webinars

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Disclaimer: Due to pending changes with the NACCAS Handbook, some webinars may not be up to date and currently under review.

NACCAS Recorded Webinar Archives



2023 (data) Annual Report 101 Webinar

This webinar will provide participants with a basic overview of NACCAS' annual report. Topics covered will include deadlines, electronic submission, and the basic calculation methodology for the graduation, placement, and licensure outcome rates. Recommended for individuals who are unfamiliar with the basics of the annual report.

2023 (data) Annual Report 201 Webinar

This webinar will expand upon the material covered in the 101 webinar, focusing on common errors and recent updates to the annual report instructions. Recommended for individuals who are comfortable with the basics of the annual report who would like a refresher.

  2022 (data) Annual Report 101 Webinar

This webinar will provide participants with a basic overview of NACCAS' annual report. Topics covered will include deadlines, electronic submission, and the basic calculation methodology for the graduation, placement, and licensure outcome rates. Recommended for individuals who are unfamiliar with the basics of the annual report.

  2022 (data) Annual Report 201 Webinar

This webinar will expand upon the material covered in the 101 webinar, focusing on common errors and recent updates to the annual report instructions. Recommended for individuals who are comfortable with the basics of the annual report who would like a refresher.

2021 (data) Annual Report 101 Webinar

This webinar will provide participants with a basic overview of NACCAS' annual report. Topics covered will include deadlines, electronic submission, and the basic calculation methodology for the graduation, placement, and licensure outcome rates. Recommended for individuals who are unfamiliar with the basics of the annual report.

2021 (data) Annual Report 201 Webinar

This webinar will expand upon the material covered in the 101 webinar, focusing on common errors and recent updates to the annual report instructions. Recommended for individuals who are comfortable with the basics of the annual report who would like a refresher.

2020 (data) Annual Report 101 Webinar

This webinar will provide participants with a basic overview of NACCAS' annual report. Topics covered will include deadlines, electronic submission, and the basic calculation methodology for the graduation, placement, and licensure outcome rates. Recommended for individuals who are unfamiliar with the basics of the annual report.

2020 (data) Annual Report 201 Webinar

This webinar will expand upon the material covered in the 101 webinar, focusing on common errors and recent updates to the annual report instructions. Recommended for individuals who are comfortable with the basics of the annual report who would like a refresher.

Compliance Monitoring Extensions During the COVID-19 Pandemic (02/19/2021)

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Comprehensive Accreditation Update Webinar: Past, Present, and Future (02/03/2021)

Developing a Clock-hour Distance Education Curriculum for Synchronous and Asynchronous Delivery

Distance Education Synchronous and Asynchronous Teaching Methodologies for a Clock Hour Program Environment

Comprehensive Accreditation Update with NACCAS Webinar  (09/18/2020)

    NACCAS Visit Procedures During COVID-19 Pandemic  (07/10/2020)

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Comprehensive Accreditation Update with NACCAS Webinar (06/16/2020)

    How the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak May Impact Your Institution(s) with NACCAS Webinar (03/18/2020)


    This webinar describes the distinction between Teach Out Plans and Teach Out Agreements, as well as the NACCAS requirements for each. In addition, this webinar will review the Teach Out Events which might occur at an institution, leading to the necessity for submission of a Teach out Plan and/or Agreement.

    Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) 

    In order to assist our member institutions with understanding the NACCAS Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy, we are offering a series of three (3) webinars. The webinars are described in detail below:

    Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) 101

    Description: Part 1 of the 3 part series will provide participants with an understanding of items 1-15 of the NACCAS SAP checklist. This webinar is recommended for individuals who are developing or updating their SAP Policy or those who just need clarification on these particular checklist items.

    Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) 102

    Description: Part 2 of the 3 part series will provide participants with an understanding of items 16-20 of the NACCAS SAP checklist and is recommended for individuals who are developing or updating their SAP Policy or those who just need clarification on these particular checklist items. 

    Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) 103

    Description: Part 3 of the 3 part series will provide participants with an understading of items 21-27 of the NACCAS SAP checklist and is recommended for individuals who are developing or updating their SAP Policy or those who just need clarification on these particular checklist items. 

    Submission of Application and ISS

    This webinar will assist schools in preparation for the application and institutional self-study (ISS) submission process and addresses ISS submission requirements, to include common questions and concerns. 

    Pre-Enrollment/Admissions – 2019

    Enrolling new students can be an exciting time for many! With a new batch of excited and eager students, a rejuvenating energy known as "enrollment fervor" may encompass many schools. Teachers and administrations are eager to welcome students and prepare them to go into the workforce. The only downside to "enrollment fervor" can be that many schools get too engrossed in welcoming their new students, and forget to make sure all of the necessary pre-enrollment/admissions documents are completed. But, have no fear! This webinar will provide you with the key elements of Standard IV and Policy IV.01, and all of the critical pieces of the Pre-Enrollment &  Admissions processes. 

    After the Visit: Procedural Requirements & Time-frames 
    This webinar will review the procedural elements to a visit process following the on-site evaluation visit, to include time-frames for Commission action; requirements for institutions in preparing for and submitting a visit response; and possible Commission actions including the Grant, Renewal or Continuance of Accreditation; Deferral; Placement on Monitoring and/or the Denial or Withdrawal of Accreditation.

    Mastering the Standards - Part II: Standards I - IV

    This webinar is a component of the NACCAS Workshop Requirements. It supplments the training provided in-person at the NACCAS Accreditation Workshop by addressing those Standard & Criteria not discussed directly during the in-person training. This webinar is necessary for completion of the NACCAS workshop requirements for those individuals who have attendeda a quarterly NACCAS workship in 2019.

    Mastering the Standards - Part II: Standards V - IX

    This webinar is a component of the NACCAS Workshop Requirements. It supplments the training provided in-person at the NACCAS Accreditation Workshop by addressing those Standard & Criteria not discussed directly during the in-person training. This webinar is necessary for completion of the NACCAS workshop requirements for those individuals who have attendeda a quarterly NACCAS workship in 2019.

    2021 (data) Annual Report Submission Walkthrough

    This recording provides additional guidance for completing and submitting the 2021 (data) Annual Report through NACCAS’ module.

    The Catalog – The Foundation of any Learning Institution:

    The Catalog webinar provides a detailed overview of each criterion of the Catalog Checklist, which is covered under Policy IV.04 of the NACCAS Handbook.

    Special Reporting Requirements (SRR):

    The Special Reporting Requirements  webinar covers the rationale, implications and submission requirements of the Special Reporting process that is imposed on institutions after receipt of notification about certain material events imposed by US Department of Education or other government agencies.

    Financial Reporting Requirements (FRR)

    The Financial Reporting Requirements  webinar covers the rationale, implications and submission requirements of the Financial Monitoring process that is imposed on institutions due to failure to meet Standard VII-1, after submission of non-compliant annual audited financial statements.

    Practitoner ICPE

    This ICPE Best Practices webinar will take you through all of the key elements of the requirements for serving as a Practitioner ICPE.

    Academic ICPE

    This ICPE Best Practices webinar will take you through all of the key elements of the requirements for serving as an Academic ICPE.

    School Owner/Administrator ICPE

    This ICPE Best Practices webinar will take you through all of the key elements of the requirements for serving as a School Owner/Administrator ICPE.

    Finance Webinar: Understanding Standard VII, Criterion 1

    This webinar provides a detailed overview of the financial compliance requirements of Standard VII, Criterion 1.

    NACCAS Disclosures

    This brief webinar will discuss the NACCAS required disclosures that institutions must provide to prospective students proir to enrollment.

    Change Of Location

    This webinar will review the appropriate applications and procedures for an institution seeking to change the location of its facilities, to include a discussion of the use of primary and secondary facilities as well as additional classroom space.

    How to Add a Program

    This webinar will address the substantive change process for the addition of a program. We will examine the procedural options available to institutions and the comparative time frames for each.

    Enrollment Agreements

    One of the many vital requirements within NACCAS’ Standards and Criteria is policies. During this session we will review Policy IV.03 on the Enrollment Agreement Requirements and Checklist. This section of the Policy covers elements that are required in an institution’s enrollment agreement regarding the contractual relationship which exists between an institution and its applicant/student. Oftentimes schools are unclear about what constitutes a fully executed enrollment agreement and what elements are require to be included. As this is one of NACCAS’ most highly cited limitations during on-site evaluation visits, we will spend this session providing information on maintaining accrediting standards in this specific area.

    Institutional Refunds

    One of the many vital requirements within NACCAS’ scope is Standard VII, Criteria 4, 5, 6, & 7, as well as Policy VII.01 – Financial Practices & Management: Withdrawal and Settlement Policy and Checklist. This refers to the institutional refund policy. Schools can be confused about what NACCAS requires. In order to assist our member institutions with understanding the refund policy requirements, we will provide participants with a basic overview of what NACCAS requires, as well as examples and guides for calculating institutional refunds. This webinar is recommended for all administrative staff or any staff that deals with NACCAS requirements.

    Leaves of Absence

    This webinar discusses the complexities and importance of an institution’s Leave of Absence (LOA) policy for its students. Although it is important to note that LOA’s are optional for schools to utilize, we understand that un-foreseen circumstances can arise or planned vacations can occur, so more often than not, schools choose to implement a Leave of Absence policy. If this is the case, it is critically important that an institution’s LOA policy be in compliance with NACCAS’ Policy IV.06 – Leave of Absence Policy. If an LOA policy is not in compliance, or is not implemented correctly and consistently, multiple limitations could result for an institution, especially as LOA’s can affect an institution’s attendance policy, refund policy and most importantly fully-executed enrollment agreements. If this information seems useful to your organization, please join Yvette Brooks, Senior Accreditation Specialist, and Anthony Ray, Regional Accreditation Specialist for a one-hour webinar and complete discussion of LOA’s.

    Practical Grading

    One of the many vital requirements within NACCAS’ scope is Standard IX, Criterion 2, regarding Practical Grading. Oftentimes, schools can be confused about what NACCAS requires. In order to assist our member institutions with understanding Practical Grading, we will be offering a webinar that will provide participants with a basic overview of what NACCAS requires, as well as examples of “correct” and “incorrect” practical grading criteria. This webinar is recommended for all individuals involved with an institution’s evaluation of students or any staff that deals with NACCAS requirements.

    Advisory Board

    According to NACCAS’ Standards and Criteria, a NACCAS accredited institution must have an “external advisory committee comprised of an employer or employers representing the field(s) of study offered by the institution.” This webinar will provide participants with a basic overview of NACCAS’ Standard I, Criteria 6 – 11 and NACCAS’ Guidance for Understanding Standards and Policies. Topics covered will include the definition of an “external advisory committee” also known as “Advisory Board”, the reasons for an Advisory Board, who comprises the membership of such a board/committee and how to make the most effective and compliant use of the advisory board and information gathered through the meeting of external advisory committee members.

    Preparing for a Visit

    This webinar will cover how to prepare for a visit.

    Administrative Capability and Capacity

    Managing a school business requires you to be able to juggle multiple duties and responsibilities and that can be overwhelming without the right resources on-hand. In this webinar, which will focus on key elements of a school’s administrative capacity and administrative capability, you will be provided with an overview of the critical nature of ensuring you have the right number of staff, with the right skill-set in-place to ensure you run a successful school and thus have a meaningful impact on your student’s academic success.

    Business Fundamentals

    As a For-Profit School Owner entrepreneur, having all of the tools you need to sustain a successful school business may be hard to come by and if every entrepreneur had a crystal ball providing them with all of the tips for success, we would have a world of prosperous schools and satisfied students. However, we know running a school comes with its challenges and roadblocks. So, if you would like to add tools for success to your business toolkit, please join NACCAS as we offer you the LIVE Webinar entitled, “9 Pillars for Building a Successful School Business” to assist you with such facets as Building your Business Plan, Knowing your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, Owning Your Brand, student outcomes and its relationship to your success, and more!

    Creating an Institutional or Program Self-Study

    This webinar will provide participants with an overview of the creation and submission of an Institutional Self Study and Program Self Studies.

    Candidate Corner: Tips for Completing the Application for Initial Accreditation

    This webinar will take participants step-by-step through the critical process of completing their application for initial accreditation.

    Candidate Corner: Preparing for a Visit

    This webinar covers tips for preparing for a Candidate Consultation Visit

    Candidate Corner - FAQs

    This webinar will cover a review of the FAQ questions over the past year will be featured and answered.

    Candidate Corner - Changes During Candidate Status

    This webinar will cover a brief overview of how to make changes during candidate status and the unique process which is different from making changes after receiving accreditation.

    Candidate Corner - Program Requirements 2016

    This webinar will cover:

    1. Which programs need to be approved by NACCAS (Section 1.3 of the Rules)
    2. Reporting method of deliver of a Program to NACCAS (Clock Hours, Credits or Competency Based)
    3. The procedure for adding a program during candidate status
    4. The procedure for removing a program during candidate status

    Candidate Corner Webinar: Getting Started For New Schools

    This webinar will cover Tips for Completing the Application for Candidate Status

    Candidate Corner: Workshop Requirements

    NACCAS Workshops provide a wealth of information, resources and tools to aid member institutions in successfully complying with NACCAS' accreditation requirements. Yet, as a new institution, when and how often to attend a Workshop can be tricky to determine. Thus, this webinar will provide you with the key tips to assist you with complying the Workshop requirements, as outlined in Appendix #3 of the NACCAS Handbook and will offer a Q&A session to answer any questions you may have regarding this critical requirement.